Alcohol and Drug Addiction Resources
Phone Numbers:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Boulder (303) 447-8201
Cocaine Anonymous (CA) (303) 421-5120
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) (303) 412-2884
Adult Children of Alcoholics, Boulder (303) 554-8540
Codependents Anonymous (CODA) Boulder (303) 638-0862
Over-eaters Anonymous (OA) (303) 665-9615
Sex Addictions Groups (303) 427-0176
Al-Anon & Al-Ateen, Boulder (303) 665-1766 or (303) 321-8788
Addictions Recovery Center (ARC) (303) 441-1275
Online Resources:
Article: Understand the Basics of Alcoholism
Article: Information for Families of Alcoholics
Article: How to Tell if You Have A Drinking Problem
Article: When Does Drug Use Become An Addiction?
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Al-Anon (for family and friends of alcoholics)
Nar-Anon (for family members of someone using drugs)
*Please make contact with me if you are looking for information on treatment centers.