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Dr. Jowdy's Suggested Reading for Everyday Life

Andersen, H.C. (1993). The Emperor’s New Clothes. New York: A Golden Book. 


Bach, R. (1970). Jonathan Livingston Seagull. New York: Avon Books.


Bode, R. first you have to row a little boat. New York: Warner Books.


Cousins, N. 1979). Anatomy of an Illness: Reflections on Healing and Regeneration. New York: Bantam.


Gibran, K. (1923). The Prophet. Alfred A. Knopf: New York.


Hesse, H. (1951). Siddhartha. New York: Bantam.


Johnson, Crockett (1955). Harold and the Purple Crayon. Harper & Row: U.S.  


Frankl, V.E. (1986). Man’s Search For Meaning. Pocket Books: New York, N.Y.


Herrigel, E. (1953). Zen in the Art of Archery. New York: Random House.


*Kornfield, J. (1993). A Path With Heart. New York: Bantam.


*Kopp, S. (1972). If You Meet the Buddha on the Road Kill Him! New York: Bantam.


Levine, S. (1979). A Gradual Awakening. New York: Anchor.


Mandino, O. (1968). The Greatest Salesman in the World. Bantam: New York.


*May, R. (1981). Freedom and Destiny. New York: Delta.


*Miller, A. (1981). The Drama of the Gifted Child. New York: Basic Books.


*Moore, T. (1981). Original Self. New York: HarperCollins.


*Wilber, K. (1979). No Boundary. Shambhala: Boston.


*Storr, A. (1988). Solitute: A Return to the Self. New York: Ballantine.  


Williams, M. (1997). The Velveteen Rabbit. New York: Hyperion.


Wood, D. (2003). Old Turtle and the Broken Truth. New York: Scholastic Press.


*For adults only, otherwise these selections are for adults and teenagers.

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